on the
image to open a 3D .pdf version of the design. This part was also posted on Thingiverse by Robert Jackson R2Maker, you can find it at http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:55991 Those plans are currently (04/14) being updated based on recent scans so I expect that there will be updates eventually. You can download models in STEP AP203 (.stp) format in English (inch) units as well as in 3D.pdf format: click here. |
on the
image to open a 3D .pdf version of the design. I've added a lens to this version of the 3D model. The R2BC plans call for a half sphere (cabachon) lens and that is what's modeled here. You can download models in STEP AP203 (.stp) format in English (inch) units as well as in 3D.pdf format: click here. |
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